Data quality for Vector databases

Vector databases drive AI applications by storing high-dimensional data, but issues like incorrect metadata, inconsistent timestamps, and corrupted vectors can degrade performance, leading to irrelevant recommendations, biased results, and reduced system reliability

Max Lukichev

October 21, 2024

A vector database is a specialized database designed to store, index, and retrieve high-dimensional vectors, which are numerical representations (embeddings) of complex data like text, images, audio, or other objects. Unlike traditional databases that store structured data (e.g., rows and columns), vector databases excel at performing similarity searches, where they find the most similar vectors based on distance metrics like cosine similarity or Euclidean distance.

These databases are commonly used in machine learning applications, such as recommendation systems, semantic search, and natural language processing, GenAI, where they help retrieve data points that are contextually or semantically similar to a given input. They often support additional metadata to refine search results and can handle large-scale, real-time queries efficiently.

A schema in a typical vector database involves defining how vectors and associated metadata are stored, queried, and indexed. Unlike traditional relational databases, vector databases are optimized for storing high-dimensional vectors (embeddings) and performing similarity searches. However, most vector databases still allow for some structure by incorporating metadata (e.g., product details, categories, timestamps) alongside the vectors.

In a vector database, a collection (or index) is equivalent to a table in a traditional relational database. It stores vectors and any associated metadata. Each collection represents a set of items with some commonality (e.g., products, documents, images, etc.).

Each item (or “document”) in the collection consists of the following components:

  1. ID (Primary Key) – A unique identifier for each item (just like in relational databases). This allows for direct retrieval of a vector and its metadata.
  2. Vector – The vector is the core component, typically stored as an array of floating-point numbers. These vectors are generated from machine learning models (e.g., embeddings from a neural network) and represent items in a high-dimensional space. The dimensionality of the vector depends on the embedding model used.
  3. Metadata Attributes – Along with the vector, each item typically stores metadata attributes, which are structured data fields. These attributes allow filtering, faceting, or additional constraints during vector searches. Metadata consists of information such as product details, categories, timestamps, and more, depending on the use case.



"product_id": "prod_12345",

"vector": [0.12, -0.98, 0.54, ..., 0.43],

"metadata": {

"category": "Electronics",

"price": 299.99,

"brand": "BrandName",

"release_date": "2024-01-15",

"rating": 4.5



Data Quality issues impacting vector databases

Data quality issues in a vector database can significantly impact outcomes, especially in systems relying on similarity searches, recommendations, or classification. Here’s an example:

Metadata issues

Suppose you’re building a content recommendation system where documents (articles, videos, etc.) are represented as vectors, and these vectors are stored in a vector database. The vectors are created using embeddings (e.g., from a natural language processing model), and each document also has metadata attributes such as category, author, date of publication, and tags.

Let’s focus on the “category” metadata attribute. Ideally, each document should be tagged with a correct category, such as “Technology,” “Health,” “Business,” etc. However, due to data quality issues, some documents may have:

  1. Incorrect categories (e.g., a health-related article tagged as “Business”)
  2. Missing categories (e.g., a document with no category tagged)
  3. Inconsistent categories (e.g., some documents use “Tech” while others use “Technology” for the same type of content)


  1. Irrelevant Recommendations: If a user is interested in “Technology” content, but the vector search filters are reliant on the incorrect metadata, they may receive articles from unrelated categories like “Business” or “Health.” This results in poor user experience and reduced relevance in the recommendations.
  2. Bias in Search and Ranking: In systems that weigh metadata heavily (e.g., prioritizing “Tech” articles over others), misclassified content may either be unfairly promoted or ignored. For instance, articles tagged as “Tech” may be shown even though they should fall under “Health,” leading to biased or incorrect results.
  3. Decreased Model Performance: If the recommendation model or search system is trained or fine-tuned using metadata (e.g., models learn patterns in different categories), incorrect metadata could lead to poor generalization. This can degrade performance, as the model might learn the wrong associations between content and metadata.
  4. Filtering and Faceting Errors: When users apply filters based on metadata (e.g., “Show me all articles from the ‘Technology’ category”), incorrect or inconsistent categories will lead to incomplete or misleading results.


A user searching for articles in the “Technology” category may receive:

  • Articles that are correctly categorized and relevant.
  • Articles that are wrongly tagged as “Technology” but are actually about “Business” or “Health.”
  • Articles that should be in “Technology” are missing the category and thus never appear in the search results.

This demonstrates how data quality issues in a vector database, especially in metadata attributes like category, can lead to poor outcomes such as inaccurate recommendations, user dissatisfaction, and lower system effectiveness.

Freshness Issues

A data quality issue with the timestamp attribute in a vector database can lead to a range of problems, especially in systems that rely on time-sensitive data for search, filtering, ranking, or recommendations.

Imagine a news search engine that stores news articles as vectors based on the content embeddings. Each news article has metadata attributes such as the timestamp (representing the publication date), author, category, and source. The timestamp is critical in this case because users often want the most recent news.

Now, suppose there’s a data quality problem with the timestamp metadata attribute. This issue could take several forms, such as:

  1. Incorrect timestamps : A recent news article is incorrectly marked as being published several years ago or vice versa
  2. Missing timestamps : There are articles with no recorded publication date
  3. Inconsistent timestamp formats : There are some articles using different time zones or formats, leading to confusion during sorting or filtering


  1. Incorrect Sorting by Recency: Many news search engines allow users to sort articles by recency. If a news article from 2024 is mistakenly assigned a timestamp from 2018, it may not appear in the “most recent” search results, even though it’s relevant. Similarly, older articles with incorrect recent timestamps could appear at the top of the search, crowding out genuinely recent content.
  2. Misleading Time-Sensitive Recommendations: For real-time systems that recommend news or updates based on the latest trends or user behavior, incorrect timestamps can cause irrelevant or outdated articles to be recommended. For example, during a major event (e.g., an election), if a two-year-old article is assigned a recent timestamp, it might show up as if it’s fresh news, causing confusion and misinformation.
  3. Filtering Errors: If users want to filter articles published within a certain date range (e.g., “show me articles from the last week”), a timestamp issue will lead to either missing relevant articles or including irrelevant ones. Articles with missing or incorrect timestamps will be excluded or included improperly, resulting in incomplete or inaccurate search results.
  4. Trend Analysis Discrepancies: For systems analyzing trends over time (e.g., detecting emerging topics or tracking how coverage of an event evolves), inaccurate timestamps can distort the analysis. Articles that should contribute to a current trend might be excluded or wrongly associated with past trends, leading to flawed insights.
  5. Time-sensitive Features Failing: Features like “Breaking News” or “Latest Updates” rely on the accurate ordering of content by time. If timestamps are corrupted, users might not receive real-time updates as expected, diminishing the system’s effectiveness and reliability.


  • A user searching for the latest updates on “presidential elections” expects the most recent articles. However:
    • An article from 2020 with an incorrect timestamp of 2024 might show up at the top of the results.
    • A new article from 2024, marked as published in 2019, might be buried deep in the search results or never appear in “latest news” sections.
    • When filtering for articles published in the last 7 days, relevant articles might be missed because of missing or incorrect timestamps.

This kind of timestamp-related data quality issue in a vector database can severely degrade the user experience, leading to incorrect results, outdated recommendations, and a lack of trust in the system’s timeliness.

Issues with Vectors

A data quality issue with vectors in a vector database can have significant consequences, especially since vectors represent the core of similarity search, machine learning applications, and recommendations. Here’s an example of how this issue can manifest:

Imagine an e-commerce platform that uses a vector database to recommend similar products to users. Each product is represented by a vector, which encodes information like the product description, reviews, and features. These vectors are generated using embeddings from a deep learning model.

Now, let’s consider that there’s a data quality issue with the vectors

  1. Corrupted vectors – Due to model misprocessing, some vectors are incomplete or have extreme outliers
  2. Incorrectly generated vectors – The embedding model incorrectly encodes the wrong product data into the vector
  3. Outdated or inconsistent vectors – The embedding is not updated when product details change, leading to stale representations
  4. Misaligned vector dimensions – Some vectors are generated with a different dimensionality than others, which can cause issues in similarity calculations


  1. Irrelevant Recommendations: If a product’s vector is corrupted or inaccurately represents its features, users will receive irrelevant product recommendations. For example, a user looking at a smartphone might receive recommendations for unrelated items like kitchen appliances or clothing, due to the poor vector similarity.
  2. Bias in Search Results: In an e-commerce platform, users may search for “laptops,” expecting similar products to appear based on their specifications. If the vectors for some laptops are incorrect, they might not appear in search results, or worse, completely unrelated products might dominate the results, frustrating the user.
  3. Reduced Recommendation Quality: Recommendations are often based on vector similarity (e.g., “customers who viewed this item also viewed these items”). A vector with bad data will not match correctly with other similar products. For instance, a high-end laptop could be matched with low-end laptops or unrelated electronics due to faulty vector data, reducing the quality of recommendations.
  4. Incorrect Product Clustering: Many systems use clustering of vectors to group similar products together. A vector quality issue can lead to misclassified clusters, where products that should be grouped together (e.g., all laptops) end up in different clusters (e.g., mixed with unrelated categories like home decor). This affects the overall organization of product recommendations.
  5. Suboptimal User Personalization: In personalized recommendation systems, a user’s profile is often represented as a vector that is compared with product vectors to find the best match. If there is a data quality issue in the product vectors, the system may suggest items that are far from the user’s actual preferences. For example, a user who typically buys sportswear could be recommended formal wear due to faulty vectors.


  • A user is browsing a high-end DSLR camera. The recommendation system should suggest similar high-end cameras. However:
    • If the vector for the camera was incorrectly generated, the system may recommend unrelated products, like budget point-and-shoot cameras or even entirely different categories like tripods or furniture.
    • If the vector contains outliers or noise, the user may see odd, mismatched results that do not align with their preferences or search criteria.

Additional Impacts:

  • Search Ranking Errors: If vector similarity is used to rank products, corrupted vectors could push irrelevant or poor-quality products to the top of search results.
  • Loss of Revenue: Poor recommendations and inaccurate search results can lead to lower conversion rates and lost sales, as users cannot find relevant products.
  • Increased Churn: Users frustrated by irrelevant or poor-quality recommendations may leave the platform, resulting in decreased user engagement and loyalty.

In this way, data quality issues with vectors themselves (not just metadata) can directly impact the core functionality of vector databases, leading to negative user experiences, reduced recommendation accuracy, and potential business loss.

How to address these issues

Testing an AI model is significantly harder than ensuring the quality of the data going into it for several key reasons:

1. Complexity of AI Models:

  • AI models, especially deep learning and large language models (LLMs), have highly complex architectures with millions or even billions of parameters. These models learn intricate patterns and relationships in the data, making isolating specific causes of poor performance difficult.

2. Black-Box Nature:

  • Many AI models, particularly neural networks, act as “black boxes,” meaning their decision-making process is not easily interpretable. This makes it difficult to determine which part of the model or the data is causing incorrect outputs. Ensuring data quality beforehand simplifies the process by reducing potential causes of error, as clean data leads to more predictable model behavior.

3. Testing Is Not Comprehensive:

  • Post-deployment testing can only sample a subset of possible inputs the model will encounter, meaning it might miss edge cases, biases, or rare events that lead to poor performance. Bad data can lead to problems that aren’t immediately visible during testing, only surfacing in real-world scenarios. In contrast, ensuring data quality at the input stage ensures all data, not just samples, is checked for issues.

4. Cascading Errors:

  • If bad data enters the model, it can cause cascading errors throughout the AI pipeline, affecting not just the immediate results but also impacting downstream processes or decisions. Catching bad data at the beginning, before it contaminates the model, prevents these broader issues from occurring.

5. Cost of Model Retraining:

  • Once a model is trained on bad or low-quality data, retraining can be expensive in terms of time and computational resources. Addressing data quality issues after the fact often means rebuilding or fine-tuning the model, which is far more costly than ensuring that only high-quality data is used in training from the outset.

6. Data Quality is Measurable:

  • Data quality can be objectively measured and controlled through techniques like data validation, cleaning, and binning, whereas testing AI models involves subjective evaluation of outcomes, which can vary depending on the input data or the metric used. By focusing on data quality, you can prevent many problems before they arise, making testing more straightforward and effective.

In conclusion, ensuring the quality of the data before it enters the AI pipeline is much easier and more effective than trying to test and fix models after they have been built. Clean, reliable data leads to better-performing models, reducing the need for extensive and costly post-deployment fixes.

A data binning approach separates good data from bad data before it enters the AI pipeline. It is the most efficient way to ensure high-quality outputs in vector databases and AI models. Unlike reactive testing or sampling, data binning ensures that only clean, reliable data moves through the pipeline, maintaining the accuracy, fairness, and overall performance of AI systems.

This, in turn, requires full-volume data analysis (no sampling). Sampling can miss critical issues, leading to biases, redundancies, or anomalies that degrade AI/ML applications. Full-volume data analysis helps ensure all vectors are valid, accurate, and clean, preventing quality issues from affecting the end applications and protecting the overall business value.


Ensuring data quality in vector databases is crucial for delivering accurate recommendations and reliable search results. Catching issues like incorrect metadata or inconsistent timestamps early helps maintain system performance and user satisfaction. As data environments grow, having a solution that scales with your needs becomes essential. With tools designed to monitor and maintain data quality in real time, you can seamlessly manage expanding workflows and evolving requirements.Telmai offers a comprehensive way to monitor data quality at scale, ensuring clean, consistent data flows through your AI systems. Take control of your data pipeline—click here to try Telmai today and see the difference accurate data can make.

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